Nifty gay porn story

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You can find out some stories with topic urination (ws and/or scat) Nifty erotic archives : Gays, dykes or bisex ‘s stories. Nepi stories : stories collection that involve toddler and very young child. Pedo and underage’s stories with some scat’s topic. Misc collections : scat stories before 1998 Loliwood : child erotica, some scat stories but no update since 2013. Literotica : stories’s collection with some topic like fetish, ws and scat. Lesbian Lolita : This site is dedicated for relationship with young girls.

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Kristen collection : some scat stories but no update since 2016.

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Black spectre stories : this site is more extreme (bdsm, scat incest, femdom) but not updated since 2001. You can find out some scat femdom stories. BDSM library : extreme stories with bdsm topic. Archive of your own : Scifi and fantasy stories. If you know other links send them to me, I would have a pleasure of putting them on my site.

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Here some links of scat's stories in French and English. Si vous connaissez d'autres liens envoyez les moi, je me ferais un plaisir de les mettre sur mon site. Voici quelques liens d'histoires scatos en français et en anglais.

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